Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I am all set to leave.
  • I have made all the necessary calls.
  • Finished the assignment due this week.
  • Made arrangements for Domino (Mr.C's Kitty).
  • Packed....entirely too much as usual
  • Transferred necessary funds

I think that is about all......I woke up at get everything arranged as I am not sure when I will be the day started something like this.......did the assignment.....made calls to Mr.C's People..and locked myself out of the house.......ahhh yea....after I had checked to make sure I had bolted and locked all the windows.........uh huh.........I was heading nxt door to speak with Kuntjoy.......and 4got I had the door locked behind me.....SLAM!...OH SHIT!!!! I cry..........needless to say after a bit of twisting and squirming I got my skinny butt in my window after Kuntjoy flicked the stick out of the the process I pulled something in my leg.....OUCH!!......I have since walked it off.......but it hurt like the dickens......did I just say dickens? Christ. anyway......I need 2 B sure to put a longer stick in the window as that is a nice way for me neighbors to take us 4 whatever it is they would want......Whatever that may be......

Mr.C just rang me....seems they put a hickman catheter in his chest......and he is in serious pain......fuckers......Y cant they leave him alone? Y !!!!!!!!!!

There are a lot of Y's going through my head as of late ......... at the moment I have no time to elaborate.......nor do I think I really want too........not today

maybe later.

when I get back.........

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I woke up this AM......went to make the coffee......make the know 2 C how my brother was doing when in walks Kuntjoy........apparently Miss James had called him saying that my brother called her stating that the surgery had been cancelled and he wanted her to come up there.........

Ok........I am abit upset about this bit of info.....and apparently it is true as the hospital cannot find any record of while Kuntjoy is explaining this to me......I am on the phone with about 4 individuals at I am a bit worried now as yesterday Mr.C was doing his " I cannot live like this anymore and I wont let them put another graft in me ....and " Well you et the picture. I then tell Kuntjoy that this is why I don’t want this grrl around him as now I don’t know what to believe.....if he is freaking out cos he couldn’t have the procedure done or if she has misconstrued the info......and so on......I am also kicking myself as I now remember why I always go with him as when this happens I am there and deal with the situation without him running off ........

So I leave a message for Mr. C to call me NOW.....or I am coming up there......

So I wait and wait.......

ring ring
Its him......Just GOT out of surgery......seems like I said......Miss James had it all messed up.....BUT.......Mr. C said the surgery might have been a bust ....they were going to try and dialyze him.......and if it didn’t work they would have to do the other surgery....I then say I am coming up there.....He absolutely doesn’t want me there..which is ......well BS! I mean this really hurts me.....he is adamant about it as here I sit......worried.....not knowing.......great fun.....
Kuntjoy told me to take the Jimmy if I wanted......I told him I would wait and see what happens with the big D.......if he can be run....then I will wait until tom. if not.....I am heading up.....

tuff tities Mr.C

Thats what big sisters do....... love you even when you dont want 2 be loved......

other than that........I am just trying to keep busy...fixed the vacuum....."the bran new Hoover mind you" a few blogs......checked on my assignments.......and basically talked and shouted to myself all day........

I find myself missing someone though.......allot.......times like this is when you wonder if you didn’t make a mistake......having someone love you is not always great, but then again love is not always sunny beautiful days......
Ok I am off to tan.......try and get out of here 4 a sec...........

The CELLY is practically a part of my anatomy 2day......I cant miss a call.......

I am worried sick....

Monday, March 28, 2005


Mr.C has made it up to Spookaloo......his surgery is in the AM.....he absolutely refused to let me go with I will be there Wed......he likes to handle things on his own......and this time I let him......Usually I tell him I am going with him whether he likes it or not.....but this time I let him have his way..perhaps another reason might be that I really wasn't up to the drive and watching him get poked and prodded again.........nope.......cant say that I am up 4 that.......but......if he needs me I will be up there in a NY doubt.

Moving on........
I am so tried you have no idea.........Exhausted.......and all I wanna do is eat ice cream and watch the tube.......which I think I will do........

I found out something today........I was somewhat disappointed, but I am grateful I found out......put things back into perspective for more 'wondering' more......thankfully..cos lemme tell you not knowing something sometimes takes up to much damn energy............

I am off........


Yesterday ALL heart was acting like it was on a flippin rollercoaster all damn day......... arrhythmia ...yes that is what I am suffering from.....2day it isn't as pronounced, but it was enuff to scare the shit out of me.........I did some research and am glad to say that my heart wasn't beating 2 fast ...........Tachycardia.......or 2 continued its 80bpm....but man.......I have suffered from the irregular heartbeat in the past......due to taking to many 'ludes'......but this wasn't the case......maybe the alcohol consumption from the night b4.......but I really don't think I drank all that much to tell u true........
oh well.......I hope me ticker keeps a tick'n 2day without the hiccups..

Moving on.....

I must call Mr.C's Dr's 2 day........and make arrangements 4 him 2 have his surgery.....he will most likely be admitted tonight and have a temp. catheter put into his chest so he can dyalize.......(and here I am complaining about my heart)...and the surgery the following day.....

Poor guy........I could devote an entire Blog to him and his life ......with regards to what he has gone through and I still don't think I could make a dent into what his suffering...........

Ok .....I cant rally discuss my brother....makes me sad.......

I must b off .......need some coffee.....hope it doesnt freak my heart out.......

I am to young for this.......Don't you think?

Aren't we all?

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Well I finished my assignment in English 355..only 1.5 weeks late......and I also finished watching Clerks and Bridget Jones, Edge of Reason....both were OK.....although I enjoyed the 1st BJ flick better......and better yet....I enjoyed the books way more........I actually laughed out loud while reading those particular books.............thinking about reading makes me miss Barnes&Noble quite a bit.....I used 2 spend quite a bit of time in that shop....drinking mass amounts of that legal narcotic known as caffeine while reading books 4free........twas a good time......

Well I finally got to speak to NB.....and I must say it was a good chat.......I found myself smiling quite a bit........which I haven't done in some yes.....I am glad I finally made contact with my fave Blogger........

I am off to bed now......I have 2 B up early in the AM in order 2 make a few calls regarding my brothers surgery........



Went out last night with N2 in order to celebrate her friends 21st B-day.......and in the process met a few new friends and re-discovered how much I dislike hangovers. We hit about 3 bars and had a good time.........we even had a designated driver.....can you believe that nonsense? I must be getting more and more responsible as my days continue.....

Mr.C is still unhappy.....and I cant blame him....the worst part about this is his DR wont prescribe him any painkillers..for some damn reason...luckily I had a few and gave him a few.....his arm is really sore.........

I am now in the process of watching Clerks .........and so far this is pretty cool.........

I am also reading a new Blog.........which I am not at liberty to share........but I am actually becoming a bit interested in this individual.......not romantically.......but in a way to where I would like 2 know more about them.........We have exchanged a few messages and so hopefully I will make a new Blog Buddie........

Well I am goin 2 finish this flick.........rather fitting flick for EASTER.....

I will return........

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Sad Man

Things have a way of going from bad to worse sometimes.......

My brother suffers from renal failure and must dialysis 3x weekly ...... This is accomplished by, having large volume of blood being removed from the body, then run through the dialysis machine, and returned to the body.This is best accomplished by using a surgically created fistula or shunt between the arteries and veins, which results in a high rate of flow through the shunt, as is needed for dialysis. While these shunts are vital for successful dialysis, they are often difficult to keep open and this leads me to the problem at hand. He must go up to Spokane in order to have the Surgery that will be needed to successfully remove the clot from the graft.......

He has had to do this several times in the past......and it is a painful and strenuous procedure as they must keep him in the hospital to test the graft by dialyzing him to make sure the surgery was successful.........and this is......... for Mr. C...... the worst part of the whole ordeal.......the hospitalization......He has been in and out of hospitals his entire spending even one day in the hospital....for utter hell.........

The biggest problem this has brought forward is the fact that his Concert is this coming Wednesday.........Motley Crue........his all-time fave band......and from the looks of things he will miss will I........... as I wont go without him........... I wouldnt even consider it.

Another problem this is presenting is my trip to Portland may have to be postponed........but we shall I wont leave him in the hospital and my Aunt is leaving for Alaska there wont be any family here if something does go wrong........

So in a nutshell........

Mr.C is extremely depressed ......Hospitalization and missing his band.......makes for a sad day......and a very sad ....sad man.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Cant talk

So I am minding my own bizz 2day and I get accused of commenting something on someone's Blog.....Something I would never say.....About a song that I have been listening to forever......b4 this individual was in diapers......and I end up being the bitch....(of course) also I was told that my friend was responsible for the comment......Ok......that of course is not true either.....I spoke with the friend 2day.........which actually was nice as I hadn't spoken with her in awhile.... That's neither here nor there......back to the bitch bloggin .......seems her ( My friends)ISP connection is no longer.......she is offline so 2 speak......rendering her commenting capabilities at a there you go.......

Then it occurs 2 me that perhaps this anonymous commenter.....could be..well ........ANYONE!!!

I then began to wonder why I am letting this petty BS get 2 me..........and Jen (me friend) asked me the same it is petty..........she then mentioned 2 me......that if I wanted 2 say anything I would have done so.....and left my I have nothing to hide........

Which is veddy true..........

So in the end....I wound up getting wound up over nothing.......about a Blog I really only read maybe twice a week......

Beats an otherwise dull day I spose.........

regardless........I am glad its over........I will no longer be taking part in anymore squabbling or finger pointing ....or allwoing myself to get upset over something so trivial and unimportant......

I do hope she resolves her issue...... with regards to the mysterious Blog Bashing commentator.......... wouldnt want her 2 lose any sleep....

Moving on.......

I am watchin the Bourne Supremacy......and I must say its not to shabby..........I liked the 1st mucho better........but tis not to bad........

I went out last night with Mr. C ....he needed my ear......we had a good chat......and a good time........

always nice..........

ok then,

I must end this lil bitch Blog and finish the movie......

Oh and thank you Jen....for your ear and for everything else........

appreciate it..........


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

How could I 4get?

Every day I sit here and think to myself......"I need 2 write something FUNNY and AMUSING and something political or motivational or.....or...or...and and??????????

Well.......seems I have 4gotton Y I started this damn Blog to begin with....and I have Mr. Dakota to thank for reminding me of y I started this Blog.......

I started this for Me...Myself...and a way to pass the time I am spending in this sleepy tired 'ol town.....and like in me first Post I mused that.... in the process.........perhaps I may amuse myself and....maybe....... a few others along the way.......

Now a Blog for the most part is just a personal journal.......and us Bloggers who do use this tool to vent our lives into.....well....we are comfy in the fact that others will read it.......the reader might be a lone reader or sometimes there may be several .......and maybe.....just sometimes get a few readers who come back again and again..which is alwayz nice....but......I think that's what I found to be...for I am always trying or I was trying to make sure what I wrote wasn't to personal or to boring ......well ......I now no longer feel the need to think this way as I am going back to my initial thought process.......

I will write exactly what I want .....about whatever I want.......whenever I want.....and without sounding like an ass.......I will do entertain ME!


So for a certain individual who has been lurking know who u r........u were the main reason I was hindering my posts.......well no more.........if you don't like it........Don't read it........I would really rather u didn't......

ok then....

Thanx again Jonny.......I truly love your Blog.... I am an avid fan.......once I figure out how to add my fave links on will be #1...

I am off ......I just ate a whole can of sghetti o's with meatballs........and am FULL UP......



I shall return.....

ciao 4 now...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Just a Post..

Here I am again ...sitting at my PC.....trying to think up something amusing to write about..... something entertaining or objective or informative.....and well I have ....NOTHING....


I am at the moment in the process of cleaning out my closets.....putting the winter wardrobe in the back...bringing out the summer/Spring much fun.....I jut had to share it with the blogger world.......

I also need to finish up the goddamn assignment for my 355 class......I received a not so nice email from my instructor asking me where the hell last weeks assignment was....and well.....I don't have the balls to tell her I haven't had the ambition nor the slightest interest in writing about more multi media BS.............but I best get me ass in gear if I am to pass the class......

Moving on.......

I talked with Patti Anne for quite awhile last night.....seems her son has gotten himself into a pretty big spot.......she needed an ear.....which I was very happy to give her.......That's what friends are for......anywayz.....I told her that the situation would work itself out as most things she shouldn't fret none.......she agreed ......

I finally found the applicator for my nicotrol I am sucking on it now....trying to kick the 'habit'....the only problem is I don't know if I will all honesty....... B able 2 use this thingy in it looks like a tiny tampon and I really don't want to have people giving me the double take......"did you see that girl........she is suckin on tampon.....EWWWWWWWWWW!!''

no I would rather like to avoid that ..... if at all possible.....

Well then.....I best check out and get this flippin assignment done b4 9PM.....


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Love the Queen

My brother bought a few new DVD's the other day........he only buys music DVD's ......but dammit man he has good taste........he bought Led Zepplin and Queensryche . Now I have been a fan of both sonce b4 I was able to appreciate music and genuine talent......anyone who loves rock-n-roll admires the Zep.....but when it comes to the Ryche.......well I feel that they are way underrated ...which is unfortunate as they are extremely talented (ecspecially Geoff Tate...ooooooolala ;) and are brilliant song writers......just listen to operation mindcrime and you will see what I mean.......well anyhoo.....I have been watching these DVD's........ and that of course......... sparked me interest about what the Q guys are up to as of late.......and I about fell over when I read on their website that they are..... in fact.... going to release Operation Mindcrime 2 this Fall.........HELL YEA! a lot of folks out there are saying you cannot top the first one or that they are only doing this as they have sold out or some other BS..........but as for me ......I cant I am dyin 2 know who killed Sister Mary ....

Other than that I really haven't been up to much.........I do however have an update on the Kuntjoy drama........seems he felt so bad about his outburst and insane behavior he had to leave, but not b4 he called me and came over beggin me for my forgiveness........and what was I supposed 2 do but give it? When a grown man cries.......I crumble like a school grrl.........and I do hope he is OK wherever he is.......and gets better........


cant kill 'em and ya cant take 'em.......anyplace

Well I am leaving in about 12 days and I am I really need a holiday........

Oh and I wanted to say HELLO 2 Fairy Grrl......she called me from the Big Apple last night and it seems she is doing very well and has already made some friends good 4 you babe!! Miss YA!!!

I just changed the Font......I like this much better..... brother is running around here in his typical shitass mood.......maybe its his time of the month...I swear he is more moody than a woman........its horrible.......

Moving on.......

I am having a situation with the Shockeroo......seems I am an object of obsession....which I mean is always nice.....and flattering.....but I cannot seem to get it across to Shocker that I am not willing nor able to make a commitment at this stage of me life.......but it just doesn't seem to sink in.......I want to be friends.....and well.......and just go from there........

So......there you go......

I must get off of here.......I have to return a few calls and write a few emails and do some work in English.......

I shall return......

same batchannel,same battime.....


Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Today was a rather uneventful day to say the least........

I did laundry, vacuumed, dishes, shopped......

The usual....

I was enjoying my day to be truthful.......Just real too doo....

I was watching A Knights Tale..... and folding me laundry......

In BURSTS Marcus Kuntjoy......(Kunt 4 short).......he is my cousin who lives next door......he slams open my door and walks in YELLING and BITCHING about how I never answer my phone and that he has been BANGING on the walls trying 2 get my attention..(??) OKKKK I stand up and go "what the fuck is you problem?!"....he responds "My Mother is running a temp and needs a fucking advil!"...ok .......So .........I say "well what the fuck.....? I take it you HAD to get out of your bed and walk the 30 feet over here to get one?! 8:30 in the evening after your looooong and stressful day!"....he then goes on and on about how I never answer my phone and bla bla bla......I then retort by saying "its my flippin phone and if I don't want to answer...... I wont! ....Furthermore for his info it is on vibrate," ...........
I then stop myself in mid sentence as I stop and think to myself..."Y am I explaining myself 2 this Asshole?"

I then explain to him....I have no idea of knowing whats going on next door.....and etc......which just pisses him off more as the phone thingy gets brought up again!

Enter Mr.C ....who now comes out about this time and tells him(Kuntjoy) to stop being a dick and go home......I give him the advil and he slams out the door......but not b4 I told him he was a fucking of course now( or I was) furious as I did nothing wrong here... which ..Regardless....I am still the badguy or grrl and I am sick of being the bad guy for not doing anything..but minding my own business in my own home.........

I then check my phone 2 see when he did call ...and wouldn't you know it?.......there wasn't 1 missed call!....the fucker didn't even CALL ME! So all actuality it was my brothers phone he was calling......and Mr. C never does answer his this was all about Mr. scratch wasn't about either one of us......It was about Kunjoy.....and the fact that he is so full of himself and cant be bothered to walk across the lawn to get his 67 yr old mother a fliipin advil (even when she is sick mind you).....and becos he had to actually do something he got pissed off........poor poor Kuntjoy.......... it sits...he is no longer allowed in my home....... Mr. C concurred......I am not dealing with his drama don't HAVE 2!!

I mean really.........all he does is SIT....and that's all folks!

Kuntjoy is a..........

48 yr old mammas $.....pill junkie ....loser.....mooching....backstabbing.....asshole........and lets see..this has been going on now 4..... about............ 3 YEARS!!!!


As far as I am concerned he can stay on his side of the fence........ as I am done listening to him on a weekly basis go on and on about his poor miserable life and how he cant get a break and he cant stop taking pills and ....well u get the picture.........he is family.....but after tonight's little episode......I think I am at my wits end........and the best part about this whole mess is how he will weave this into being my fault somehow..........and people will buy it!!




I feel much better now

Thank God for me lil bloggy

nice place 2 vent

very nice.


now that I am glad I vented......I am now going to lie down and get some shut eye.......I have 2 work tomorrow and finish up my web page for English 355......


Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I am working out like a fool and sweating even worse.....but for me that's the best part of working out.....the sweating.......LOVE IT!!!

i know


o well.......

I am heading offf 2 work now.......I am off @ 8pm and then I think....I think....I am going to see a flick tonight.....not to sure yet...........sick of coming home boring here........

alrighty then........well I best scat like a cat

i know


o well......

I'm outy


Monday, March 14, 2005

2 much....2 little.....means......nothing

This weekend was a word...INSANE...but in a good way........Antoniose spent the weekend here......which was nice and cool........pretty much watched flicks and laughed a lot......Sat. night we all went out.....meaning me, Stacey Mechelle, Jeffery , Mr. C and the rest of the was had by all.......but seeing how I was with me friends all weekend I really didn't get much accomplished. I did get the house cleaned and updated the auto insurance, but other than that nadda........which is unfortunate as I need to get my 2nd psychology exam taken and finish up my English 355 I will be playing catch up all this week.......


lets see ...other than that........well............I am at a loss......I really have nothing more to contribute to the 'ol Blog........

It seems sometimes I have too much material and then at other times I have none......I really need to get caught up in the local news and so forth.....although I have been watching the Jacko trial updates.......ummmmm...........He's a bit out there..........wait a minute......a bit? I would have to say he IS ALL THE way out there.......not even in the flippin ball park anymore............

Lets hope they get him convicted and put him somewhere where he cant hurt anymore children again.............


I am off to do the work thing...........


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Trips,tips,and ?

I am now completely and utterly ready for me trip......Plane has been reserved, car, and all that's left is packing......and ummmmm.....this time I am going to try not to overpack........which will be a small miracle if I can.........not overpack that is ..... cos....... I always feel I need to bring my entire that I think of it.....with my wardrobe growing like it is.........that might be a possibility I needn't worry about.......Ok

Moving on.........

I found a great place to buy my it! I just re-stocked up on me Burberry and Lanvin.......and also Chanel Chance...I haven't bought this one yet.....but its on the list.......yup.......going to add it to me lil smellnice family......

I am finding all kinds of nifty sites to buy stuff from lately..........and so far "fingers crossed" I haven't been ripped off or had my identity "knock on wood"....I wont have to go through an experience such as that.......anytime soon...of ever for that matter....

Nothing really new other than that.......I am doin me homework today and possibly going out tonight with some friends.......other than that I got nothin baby.......the well is dry......

Oh I did watch the Manchurian Candidate last night..


bypass this flick if you see it.........

ok folks......

Have a great weekend.....


Friday, March 11, 2005

El Coley's trip

So I finally committed to a date and time to go 2 Portland.....and I cant wait..... ( I decided to just forget about the drama factor.....Drama is like a badhair day.....its inevitable and we all have our fair share....)
I am leaving on the 31st the DAY AFTER the concert my brother and I are going to in Spokaloo......I figured since I was there I might I as well fly out instead of having to come all the way back home to just turn around and go back.....yadda anyways......I shall be flying outa here in about 2.5 weeks......I am looking forward to it.....I need a holiday.......from mlyfe........sooooooo other than that I really have nothing more to report......I am in the midst of my 3 day weekend.....and I had planned on getting out of here for a few , but I haven't managed 2 do much yet 2day.......Although after I finish this here short story......I will jump in the car and do my errands and enjoy what's left of this beautiful lemme tell you in the Pacific Northwest......the weather is breathtaking.......70ish and gorgeous......

Tends 2 make people put on one of these......


Moving on...

I spoke with a friend last night.....and I got the feeling that I perhaps divulged 2 I will have 2 in the future try and refrain from talking about certain details in mlyfe......I am finding that I am having 2 do this a certain individuals are lurking about in mlyfe as of late and to be honest its really BUG!......but what can ya do?


I am listening to this song by Charlie Robinson................El Cerrito Place
I like this 'ol cuntry tune very much....Its sad but nice.......I can relate......been there several times.......

Speaking of El Emexico.........I am going to Mehico in friend Suzilla has 2 time shares......1 on the beach and 1 by a golf we are gonna spend our time in between the 2 places.....both places are 5 star quality as yea.....I am looking forward to that as well...........all I have to pay is me airfare and its BUH BYE!!!!.......


ok well I have nothing else

I'm spent.

I shall return..........

stay tuned...


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Currently in the life of.....

So I haven't been keepin my the 'ol blog as updated as I would like too......but I guess the reason is …. I have nothing all that exciting to report as of late....

But I am going to give it a try today……so here we go…

lets see.......
Work- Well its been ok...for the most part…cept’ boss yesterday tried to go off on me....and when I say tried that's exactly what I mean....she trots on up to me and starts bitching about the shift prior to mine and that I need to bla bla I say ''WhoA there Nelly!........I am not responsible for that shift and I just walked in the door not 15 minutes ago so why don’t you go vent your action elsewhere?" She looked @ me.......smiled......and went "I guess I am being a bit pissy huh?" I say "Ummmmm....yea you kinna are".......she laughed and went to bitch at someone else........which was AOK with other than that…. work is well… 'ol same 'ol

School- Well that is going exceptionally noted in previous posts.

Friends- All good........well except for one......but she will be OK soon I hope.....she had an unfortunate happening with her I hope she will be OK... :(
Other than that all me friends are good........

Family- Mr. C has finally stopped acting like an ass.........which is always good........lets see......I did 4get my Aunts B-day........I thought it was the 12th......was the today I am going out and buying "Make-up" B-day gifts and I feel like a piece of used toilet paper.

Lemme see.......All other aspects of my life are going OK........I dont know how many other aspects there are with regards to mlyfe......but whatever they are.......its all gravy.

I am single again.......which is OK.....I am not good with relationships and maybe I never will be. I love it when I explain this to people and I always get the "Well aren’t you worried that you will end up all alone?" I am not.......never have been......and as far as I have seen.......we all end up alone in the end anyway......its who you share your life with that matters......and for me….. my family and friends and the occasional fling have always been enough......I am not ruling out the possibility of the "ONE"...but as of right now.....with all of it.......I just don’t have the there you go..........

Sometimes though…… I do get pissed when I get cornered about the “your still single and no kids!.. OH MY GOD! ”rhetoric...….well……its not the end of the world…..perhaps your world is coming to an end as my life seems to be of utmost importance to you…..but for me……its okey dokey….
My family has learned to stop hounding me about being single…….. as every time I start getting the business......I just ask the person who is giving me the businesses at the said moment how the 3 marriages they were in worked out? Seems to always get my point across right quick..

Lets see.....

The Portland trip is on/off again........its not the $ factor.......its the drama factor........I miss my buddies, but I don’t miss the drama.......I have my plate full of it here.........over full.........but.........I am hoping maybe the end of the month I will scoot on over for a weekend.......and then make plans for my VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!.....


well........ I have not been reading the news.....oh wait........I did see something yesterday..... MT. ST. Helens blew her stack yesterday......I did see that I remember that……( Such a small occurrence don’t you know…almost a daily dealy).. I need to call me buds in Portland and see what’s what......other than that… I am clueless about the happenings in the world.....and that's pretty sad as I started this 'ol blog to talk about politics and such and the last few moths have been anything but political spew....

Oh Well...........

Well tis time for me to work out........been slacking there as well.......but its all good.. Then I am off to buy a surround sound for my room....a new one........and buy Aunt Glo her (belated I am so sorry B-Day) gifts....

I shall return...

Till then

Keep it on ice...


Monday, March 07, 2005


Ok folks.......Time for me to brag......

I just received my grade back for my biology Mid-term......I received a B+
For my essays I received an A+


I am so that is by far my hardest class.....

I received an A on my psychology exam....saweet!

This Wednesday my brother and I both are going to the library so I can do all of my Political Science stuff........I cant believe he wants to go with me.....but when I do well in school he gets all excited and happy........Its funny my brother could care less about academics, but when it comes to me he really does.....pretty proud of me ....yes he is...

Yesterday was a good day as well...I spent the day with best friend......we literally grew up together.....and I haven't spent any time with him since I came back it was good to hang out with him and his brother for the day....... fun was had by all......especially when we were all trotting down memory lane.....o boy.....did we ever have fun re-visiting the past......I would have 2 say say that we were all a bit crazy.......but

Good times....


ok then.......

I am going to eat some home-made soup my aunt made and watch A Sharks Tale and call it a day......

oh and b4 I go.......

I am very sorry to a certain someone.....I didn't mean to hurt anyone......I truly didn't...... so I hope you will forgive me and well.......I do hope some day...that you will be happy.............and meet the person you are looking 4.


Friday, March 04, 2005


I received a nice chunk of change today......veryyyyy nice.............

I am going VIVA BABY!!

oh yes.....

Spring Break in Vegas.......

that's me.......with a friend......

groovy,great,and shall be........

Well I am outy.........I have to finish up my Biology essay tomorrow........then its on to Political Science......
My GPA is as I sit........3.4


oh .....and b4 I 4get.........

This new guy......we shall call him.......lemme see........hmmmmmm.......The Blonde Fox.....yes....I think that's what I shall call him here @ the 'ol bloggeroo......very fitting......

Oh ....I was saying........

well he is nice to work with.......

Professionally speaking ......................

of course.

uh hum


ok then......

Hope y'all have a good weekend.......

I shall


Still kickin.....


Coley is currently away from the 'ol Blog and will return when she has something interesting to comment at present there really isnt anything thats all that great to share....

Truly.........DULL soon as something comes up.......I will return.....

Keep shakin....
