Well it’s Super Bowl Sunday and our Seahawks have finally made it to the BIG game!!
I along with the rest of the country shall be watching this national past time with the excitement and glee of a small child at x-mas time. I only hope that the Hawks will walk away with that big ''ol ring and come back to this wet and forgotten state champions!!
In other news...
I caught Jo's cold........o joy.
I haven’t spoken with ANY of my friends in ages...........seems Binks is heading off to Pennsylvania for some god awful reason........I don’t know why
Patti Anne is working 900 hours a week so I rarely hear from her.
Stace hasn’t been calling so I can only imagine she is mad @ me again for some bloody reason.
Lets see......I am still at the same job, and will remain as Jo and I have decided that a job is better than NO job regardless of how horrible it might be.
Mr.C is still with that grrl.....I took her out the other evening only to have her X Mr. Porcelain come into the bar and verbally attack me ( cunt, dyke,whore,lesbo,crazy bitch....Etc.) and scream insults and profanities at her. Only thing is she is used to it...........and she claims that she NEVER told him she thought I was ANY of those things..........UH HUH!
So Mr.C is completely enamored with this grrl..........and so we shall see how long this shall last.
I am off to shower, send the fiancée' to the store for beer and goodies for the game.........then either get a happy buzz, or a.... "O WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!?? " buzz..
More lata'
My buddy in Portland wrote this about Shrubs lil speech the other day......
I thought it fitting..........as well.....I completely agree with him ( the captain that is).
Captain's Log Stardate Tuesday January 31, 2006
State of the Union is... Most Republicans are still suckers!
Bush telling you about how you need to get off your dependence on foreign oil is like Coors, Budweiser and Molson telling you to stop drinking because it's bad. What a fuckin moron. And the only people even more stupid then Bush is the ones who believe anything he says.
Maybe next he'll be telling you his daughter's don't drink, he's a war hero, brown people hate our freedom and that Exxon needs big profits to do research and development and they weren't war profiteering... oh wait, sorry, he's already done all that. Well, except maybe the one about his daughters.
Next election, if you vote for any Republican candidate who is currently in power, don't cry to me or anyone else when terrorists are still blowing up shit, gas is out of control expensive, you have no health care, you're in debt up to your eyeballs, can't declare bankruptcy and, oh yeah, the government knows when your period is, where you go for beers and reads your mail.
Why, that's what America is all about!