Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Gain of o job I have gained prolly 12 unwanted lbs. and cos I am not accustomed to having any extra weight on my ol' bones it has manifested into lower back pain that is becoming unbearable...not to mention the fact that I HATE being out of shape or having any unnecessary weight. The fact that I'm 5'11 its quite easy to hide any extra when I complain about any extra weight ppls look @ me as if I'm cwazy...which I'm not...well......

So its imperative that I find a jobola with the quick as I am broke and well.....broke....I am now in Phoenix which I am happy to say is quite lovely as I don't have to deal with the doom and the gloom in Oregon or the snow in WA. Its sunny everyday and for the most part I can wear shorts and tees on a daily basis ( that and the bloody weight gain I cannot wear anything else).

So today its resume' time and job search time.......

wish me luck

more lata'

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Manual 101 - a second time cos its funny

I stole this.......but Holy fuck if it anit right on the money...

When you meet a lesbian (Hints for the straight women)

Do not run away screaming from the room. This is rude!!! If you must back away, do slowly and with discretion.

Do not assume she is attracted to you.

Do not assume that she is not attracted to you.

Don't assume that you are not attracted to her.

Do not expect her to be as excited about meeting an heterosexual as you may be about meeting a lesbian, she was probably raised by them.

Do not immediately start talking about your boyfriend or husband in order to make it clear that you are straight. She probably already knows.

Do not ask her how she got that way. Instead ask yourself how YOU got that way.

Do not assume that she is dying to talk about being a lesbian.

Do not expect her to refrain from talking about being a lesbian.

Do not assume that because she is a lesbian she wants to be treated like a man.

Do not trivialise her experience by assuming it is a bedroom issue only.

She is a lesbian 24 hours a day.

Just sayin.....

Sunday, February 06, 2011

keeping it real

Okay....I told myself I wasn't going to post anything regarding my current relationship status....but hell.....leaving it out of my blogging would make for a very very dull hence I guess this will B a very dull post....cos I just cant get myself to post anything regarding something that personal......and its still very volatile meaning there are very raw feelings on both sides and i don't want to create a Blogging "She Typed...she typed" situation......

Moving on....

Its Super Sunday....and I am rooting for the packers.....the new QB for the packers is amazing... as well the team as a whole is quite amazing....but to b fair the Silk Curtain isnt 2 shabby it should make for a pretty coo pigskin game.....with that being said I can hear the National Anthem in the other room so I should finish this up and go and watch.....

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Saturday, February 05, 2011 comment....

So I have tried and tried to edit the comments that were posted on me no that being said I am no longer allowing seems all ppl wanna do is leave negative nasty shitty comments be done.

Moving on.....

I am now in Phoenix AND truly going to start over.....and will b posting bout me new adventures regularly.......

I was going to do a yr. re-cap.....but have since thought better on that thought.....?

Meaning....I would rather just live and let live and chalk the past yr. up as lessonsssssssss  learned and not to b repeated......

that's all i got right now....

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