Saturday, January 26, 2008

Return of Coley

Well hello out there!!! I've decided to start writing again.........hopefully after this long absence the individuals who were reading my Blog will have left permanently well.........those folks were the reason I shut her down to begin with.

Now..........seeing how I'm back there will now be some ground rules....they have not changed from my former ground rules..........




4. THIS IS FOR ME........ME...........MINE............



ok.........I am all better.........

So I am sure one has to wonder why I have taken such a long hiatus, well as it happens I really just lost the ability to write here ........I mean mylfe was in complete and utter chaos.......and in some ways.......still is. Who's isn't?

Wow......they sure have tweaked some tools here........spelling mistakes are underlined like in WORD to the blog spot peeps!!

Moving on..........

I honestly don't even know where to begin..........First of all I deleted an entire year of writing the last time I was on as I didn't really like what I had was dark, dreary, and truly depressing...........and as I have stated in the archives of me Blog.......I use this as a tool to get shit out........writing is therapeutic.......and all I was doing that year was bitching and fussing and doing nothing to change mylfe........when the purpose of my writing is so i can get the stuff out and then move on.....not just complain and not change........ anyhoo.......I deleted a whole year of stuff and left it off where I lost Tony............

Still miss him......still love him.........always


Well..........I guess I should start with a list like I used to.........its easier for me to list events and then summarize them.........( See what a good student I am now!!)

1. I am now back in Smallville WA. Moved back here August 07' to help Mr. C again.

2. Mr. C is in Jail and has been sentenced to prison.( This one will need allot of elaboration)

3. I am in the last year of school.

4. I am currently unemployed.

5. My car is broken.

6. I am working out again........( as if I would ever truly quit)

7. I am still hitched........happily.

8. I have lost and gained a few friends.

9. I am no longer addicted.

10. I am getting ever so closer to becoming the person I have always striven to be.

So here is the summary of my lil list.

1) I am now back in Smallville WA. Moved back here August 07' to help Mr. C again.

See When I last posted I had just moved back here from CollegeTown......Mr. C ( my brother for those newbies) had once again gotten himself into all kinds of trouble.......seems his EX Angel grrl ( why I use this as a nickname is beyond me as she is far from being anything remotely angelic) well anywayz....Mr. C got busted selling Mary Jane and was arrested on his B-day........also he was charged with having Meth and the 3 DUI's he had received the year prior..........he was then released on a furlough to be able to have surgery.........he then chose not to follow up on his charges and 2 Felony warrants were issued...........also we had another arrest when they issued the warrants and he was charged again with possession and intent to deliver and was sentenced for all above charges to 12 months.
Ok.........Well then...........In December 07' he was once again released on a furlough into my so-called-aunts custody ( I shall call her from now on....... The Unstable Enabler) K......well Mr. C was supposed to go to Spookaloo for another appointment........he then was admitted to the the hospital and then he had Angel Grrll stay with him at a hotel after he was discharged.......all along knowing he was supposed to turn himself back in to the Asotin jail...........he decided he was above the law and the rules........and turned himself in when he felt fit to do actuality he turned himself in after the posse showed up here looking for him and Kuntjoy called The Unstable Enabler to tell her to get her saggy ass home!...That's a diff story...........anyhoo..........he then turned himself in 6 days late and then he couldn't figure out why they were charging him with Escape and Bond Jumping , both perplexes the mind why they would do such a thing to an honest, upstanding individual of the community............just mind boggling!!!

O Boy!

Ok so now he was charged with 2 new felonies and he decided not to take the deal they were offering ( another 12 months to be serverd concurrently with the 12 months he was already serving) so he was willing to roll the dice and try and beat the charges and if he were to lose he would then receive 24 months instead of the 12 they were offering...........all the while I am telling him to take the deal, but does he listen to me? O HELL NO!!! He listens to the Unstable Enabler.........whom is so damn senile and crazy she forgets her name 12 seconds after giving it to you..........well she is telling him to fight it.........go to trial and she will get the Doctor, The Commissioner and the Pope to testify on his behalf............well after 2 weeks of him playing the yo-yo game of to plead-or-not-to-plead.......he finally pled guilty and as far as I know he is now serving a total of 24 months. He will now be shipped to Monroe Prison over by Seattle to serve the remainder of his sentence..................he has already served 5 months in Asotin County Jail......the equivalent of lock-down in a prison. He will serve his sentence in infirmary as he needs to dialize 3x weekly....................

Ok................well the story doesn't end here...........not by a loooooooooong shot..............see the reason he was charged with his 3rd possession charge ( I left a few things pingers will fall off if I try to write everything)

See when The Professor and I moved down here to help him we had a few rules.......namely No DRUG DEALING.....NO SMOKING IN THE HOUSE AND NO ANGELL GRRLL! PERIOD! ya think he abided by these u think he even tried? O hells no!!!! He was dealing again within a week of being released......had that nut-bitch gf of his over here for the loud -in -your- face -fuckathon..........and was smoking everything but the needless to say The Professor made The Call and he was then scooped up by the Sheriff...........However when they showed up they were holding 2 old felony warrants as I stated above.......although without the infamous Call ......they couldn't have gotten a search warrant........which led them to his stash of drugs in his shoe closet.

So.......................Needless to say the past few months have been a lovely....stress-filled... happy-go-lucky environment of finger pointing and hateful accusations from the neighbors ( see thats where The Unstable Enabler and her loser son Kuntjoy live.......whom are close to my brother as the Unstable Enabler calls herself my brothers aunt.....of course there is no blood relation.....again another Blog Post..........hell thats a book people..............)

Although Kuntjoy and I have been close ourselves, but its been a roller coaster of a friendship as he truly is a lost-soul. He is 51, unemployed...... has been for 5yrs, lives with his mommy and doesn't or cant even buy his own smokes........sits and watches the days goings on from his perch in her living room, judging and complaining about everyone as this is his only outlet for how he truly feels for himself.......that self -hatred for being who he is all the while knowing he is the only who can change .....yet its easier to sit and watch the world go by and complain and blame. Yet he has one of those personalities that is he is truly funny and down deep has a heart of gold.....yet from personal experience he can and will turn on you like a rabid dog......again his way of directing his self-hatred onto sum it up..........a very, very, unhealthy individual who has been in mylfe...........and as of today is no longer in mylfe.

Moving on.............

Where was I?

O yes.........See The Professor is now the NARK as Mr.C would never be in jail had it not been for The call......... my brother didn't do anything wrong!! He shouldnt be held responsible for his actions........he had no other shoice but 2 deal drugs!!! He is sick dammit!!!


I love my brother........I love him more than anything in the one time he was my world...............after he met Angel Grrl he changed..........he changed into someone I didn't even know...nor want to......he was selfish,uncaring,irresponsible and rude.......................and this in itself doesn't warrant him to be serving time cos hell I know lots of folks that are assholes, but Mr. C has never ever been made to be held accountable for his actions and now.......he has to.

After all this happened Mr. c and I didn't speak for a few he now hates The Professor........and well The Unstable Enabler hates her too as well now Kuntjoy does too ( see he was on my side throughout this whole ordeal until last night when he showed his true colors and informed me that any sister that wouldn't walk away from the spouse that turned her brother in should be hung-drawn,-and quartered......well thats an how he feels he just doesn't have the balls to come out and say that directly to my face. I have to hear it from the other losers in this shit-town) I was trying to I have allot to say..........we live in a duplex and the nutfry neighbors are directly next door........I mean I can hear them talking about me through the walls..........and yes I know......... I need to move.............thats a give in.

So I think that pretty much sums up # 1 and 2 on me list.............


3.) I am in the last year of school. will graduate from WSU this Spring with 2 BA degrees. One in Crim J ( ironic I know) and one for Gen. Ed as I have a million credits. Although I must add that my instructor for one of my Crim J courses this semester is a full-fledged BITCH. She is a Grad Student, a teachers aide in all actuality who accused me of plagiarism last night. She is the type of instructor that would tell you as your standing in front of her holding your severed arm that you just lost in a freak accident on you way to class that " NO YOU CANNOT HAVE AN EXTENSION......DIDN'T YOU READ THE SYLLABUS? YOU HAVE TO CLEAR IT WITH ME PRIOR TO THE ASSIGNED DUE DATE TO GET AN EXTENSION..........GRADE.........F!!" no that isn't an exaggeration........she is truly a bitch.



I feel better now...i hates her.....i does.

4.) I resigned my position last summer to move here for Mr.C.....haven't worked since as there are really no jobs in this shit town.....but i am looking.......but I am truly jsut focusing on school and hating my Crim J bitch instructor.....i hates her i does.

5.) My brakes on me baby Camry are broken. She sick..........gots herself an owy. Mikkee is fixing her Tuesday..........her lil caliper is leaking.......she gots herself a cut..........poor Camry.....I fix it........wheres a band-aide?


6.) I gots me a new Schwinn Mountain- kick -ass- in -your- face -bike for X-mas. I ride her against the wind even in the cold ..............I feel I am using free weights again and the stepper.........I look good.......but no where near where I was 2 yrs ago.......I WILL though!

7.) Still with The Professor.........happy............we have our moments...........who doesn't? We really get along for the most part........and have a great repor. She still has that great eyebrow.

8.) I have lost touch with Binks..........we played phone tag for awhile.......but the last time I called him.........he didn't return me call...........Stace from Portland writes about every 6 months...........Patti Anne and I stay in touch............Been accused of stealing from an individual I thought was a friend............I am now in touch with Stracey...........she is me bud and I love her......she is married to my late Tony's him too..............Life and friends...........the good ones stay and the bad ones.....well.......u know.

9.) I had a prob with prescription pain killers for a bit........Hell it was...........and I didnt divulge it here as there a few individuals whom I am sure will find this Blog is open again that just love to know who you are...........and some readers who like to distort the know who you are 2.........but guess what..........I truly could give a rat fuck what you think........take a look in the mirror and find peace within.........stop judging one is I have always said......I WOULDN'T want to be can one ever learn if they have no flaws from which to learn from?

10.) Everyday is a new day..............everyday i learn something it something about me............I love learning and love learning about me..........the day I stop learning and liking or disliking something about myself.......well I hope thats the day i ain't here no more.

Ok then..............well thats it for now..............i still have allot to say about the current presidential nominees....the war........the current idiot president...........the loss of Heath ..............and lots more.........but I have been writing for about an hour now and need to do my daily workout........

Pls excuse the spelling errors.......or the grammatical errors.........I do see them, but I get bored trying to go back and correct each and every damn mistake.......I mean really whats the point? I have a 3.5 GPA, I am smart, intelligent, well read......and its my damn Blog....if I choose to write like a 5th grader......I WILL!!!!!

I guess I really do care about the spelling and grammatical errors otherwise why would I have just said I didn't care.........see..........i just a did a lil self-reflection................but still doesn't mean I am gonna go back and fix em.

Its good to be back.........I missed me Blog..........

More lata'

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