Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Fahrenheit...... Made me $^#%#^% mad!!

Well folks I finally was able to sit down and watch Michael Moore's F-9/11. I have been wanting to see this film since it was released and I must say I was not disappointed. Having read his book "Dude Where's My Country" I knew what the premise would be for this film. I know that a lot of folks out there don't have a high opinion of Michael Moore but I have to say that I have a lot of respect for him and his work, as a Documentary film maker. I totally recommend this film and I think it should be a must see for EVERYONE regardless of what political party one is associated with. Whether it be Democrat, Republican, or Independent... I personally feel that this film will give a new and fresh perspective on our current situation in Iraq and that of our so called President. This upcoming election is so vital to our country that for me to sit and write all of the reasons why would be to exhausting. I have always felt that Bush is a moron and my feelings were reinforced after watching this film. We as a Americans need to take back our country
and our standing in the world...
4 more years under the Bush regime is a prospect to horrible to even fathom.

SO GO OUT AND VOTE! This coming November...so we as a nation can make the much needed changes.

But (as unsettling as the thought may be) should we be unblessed with this man as our Prez.. again……

Buckle up!

AMERICA and the rest of the WORLD... as

WE WILL ALL be in for a bumpy ride....

ciao 4 Now

Its not life that wears u down....its how u carry it.

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