Thursday, October 21, 2004

Its been Dull

So I haven't posted in awhile as the title states..ITS BEEN VERY DULL! Life just hasn't been all that exciting in me lil life for the past few days. Work is work and home is home....Yahoo! I was doing some surfing though this afternoon and came across a link that I found rather interesting and thought I might share witcha all. We all remember 9/ changed all of us in such a profound way. Well I checked out this link about the Pentagon attack and I will let the readers decide. I however found it very enlightening....conspiracy is word that comes to my mind. So that being said (written) why not check it out.

So I spose I will try and write a few papers for school....Business Law and Western Civ. 2 classes that I actually enjoy. I honestly like all of my courses this semester....its just getting the motivation to actually sit down and do the work. Not always that easy when I am taking all of my courses via the all actuality that is really the only drawback. How else would I be able to sit in me jammas and eat ice cream while getting a lecture?

With that I shall sign off......I must jet to the store and get some seeds. Its a necessity while I study.

Ciao 4 now

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