Its Wednesday....hump day.....why in the hell they call it hump day I will never know......wait a minute....never is a strong word...when one feels that they are uncertain of what something means the easiest thing in the world to do is GOOGLE IT! Now I have always know what it meant...but I wasn't certain of why...So I did a lil research and this is what I found out
Hump Day-Wednesday, the middle of the work week, over the hump ....E.G.
Brian says if you can get through hump day, the rest of the week is easy.
The why part ...why in the world people call it Hump day....well......
I found out that one of the reasons that Wed. is call called hump day is due to the W having a hump in it??? ok....
I like to think its called hump day as everyone can use a good humping in the middle of the week, or all week for that matter....
Moving on...
I am now officially stressed out due to my procrastination regarding school.....I can and will complete all of my assignments in the next 3 weeks, but its going to be a bitch....why I always have to make things harder than they need to be I will never know....
I am happy to hear that Ashcroft has resigned, but not so happy to hear about Powell....and of his replacement....I am quite sure she has qualifications up the wazoo, but no diplomatic experience, not a good thing I am afraid....but time will always does.
American Deaths:
Since war began (3/19/03):
In Combat-903
American Wounded
Official -8484
Estimated -15000-17000
The wounded numbers above reflect the official count as released by the U.S. military. However, there are other estimates that 12,000 soldiers have been treated for illness, non-combat injury and combat injury since March of 2002.
War may have killed 10,000 civilians, researchers say
Latest Fatality November 16th, 2004
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