Monday, November 22, 2004

The week of the Bird

Well It has finally arrived.... the week of Thanksgiving. This Thursday we can all sit down and reminisce about the year, eat bird, and think of all the things we have to be thankful for. I for one, have many things to be thankful for.... and on Turkey Day I shall be more than happy to share them with everyone. I just thought I would give everyone a heads up so that everyone can prepare their own list for feast day.

Moving on...

I am actually getting a bunch accomplished as far as school and such...Received an A on my last essay and my 2 tests for B.Law have yet to be graded but I have a feeling I did fabulous!! I have one more exam in that class and 5 assignments to complete by the 10th of Dec. I have no worries about getting this done. My West Civ. class is a different matter...well not really...I took a bunch of history courses during my stay In Portland so this class in all actualality, is just a refresher course. The main diff is I have to write these little essays on certain happenings throughout history, which is okay and then again...can SUCK ASS....

ok then....I must be off to the Jobola... for my daily dose of fun and fatigue.... That’s me job...or for that matter me life…

Hope ya all have a great week and keep your waistlines in check, as the Bird will definitely take care of that for ya!!!

Ciao 4 Now

American Deaths:

Since war began (3/19/03):
In Combat-962

American Wounded
Official -8956
Estimated -15000-17000

The wounded numbers above reflect the official count as released by the U.S. military. However, there are other estimates that 12,000 soldiers have been treated for illness, non-combat injury and combat injury since March of 2002.

War may have killed 10,000 civilians, researchers say

Latest Fatality November 22nd, 2004

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