O.k. I just got off of work, and it was ok, had a few laughs and ate allot of cookies, not a bad night. :)
I wanted to spew my opinion on the hot issue of the week. …MORALS.
Seems that the majority of people voted not with their hearts or heads but with their Morals…..
So... My question: What "moral" issues are the Republicans/Christians/ANYONE talking about? I honestly scratch my head in bewilderment about this issue. Enlighten me, please! Is it just gay marriage and abortion?
I know abortion is a hot topic and I respect anyone's philosophical repudiation of it. But killing innocent people in a "preemptive" war is more immoral to me than abortion, which just means removing a few undifferentiated cells from a woman's uterus. If you're against abortion, don't have one!
Gay marriage-- what the fuck does that have to do with morality? Gay marriage doesn’t hurt ANYONE , never has and never will.
To me the real moral issues have to deal with the real everyday issues. Not protecting wildlife, destroying the environment, gutting the rainforests, these things are terrible and shameful and immoral to me. Leaving the mentally ill to die hungry on the street is shameful and immoral.
Everyday Citizens who cannot afford Medical Insurance or pay for their prescriptions, that’s a little immoral to me. Keeping the minimum wage so low that people who work 80 hours a week can't afford their rent is immoral.
For one thing, how and why did the Moral issue become a political issue?
Is it a political ploy?...to make people feel guilty about how they feel and what they do in their personal lives...
Now I feel a bit better...
Told ya I would have somethin interesting 2 say...
Well I at least think it was.... interesting
and anyone who knows me knows
Ciao 4 now
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