Friday, November 12, 2004


Finally another week finished!!

Time to pop in a DVD, relax, and crash. I have a ton of homework 2 do this weekend so I will use tonight to relax and unwind. (Friday,11ish or so)

So I never got around to posting last night....I guess I got a lil to relaxed!!! Anyway.....I really haven't got to much accomplished today other than cleaning my house and paying off the bills......had to call a few friends back home and give them the was a must!!

I've decided to take the weekend off from politics...need a rest.....let my brain rest and get re-settled.....need to get a more objective point of view I feel.......

So On that note I will bid a good weekend to everyone and I shall post again ASAP, most likely tomorrow.

American Deaths

Since war began (3/19/03):
In Combat-903

American Wounded

Official 8484
estimated 15000-17000

The wounded numbers above reflect the official count as released by the U.S. military. However, there are other estimates that 12,000 soldiers have been treated for illness, non-combat injury and combat injury since March of 2002.

War may have killed 10,000 civilians, researchers say

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