Wednesday, May 11, 2005


So I was watching the tube today and noticed that the white House was evacuated today.......seems a tiny lil plane was in the air space above the WH, which thus provoked the evacuation of the hose or house as well as the scrambling of fighter pilots to see who exactly had the nuts to fly in W's space...........this is the so called "2nd" presidential scare in the last 24 hours, as apparently Embarrassed Georgian officials were forced to admit today that a hand grenade was found in the Tbilisi square where President Bush gave a speech to a crowd of 120,0000 cheering people. The grenade was not in working order, so there really wasn’t a real danger nor threat to W.
I guess I am writing about this today as I have been noticing a decline in the so-called news in the media as of late. Seems we are more concerned with American Idol and MJ more so than what’s going on in the world today. It doesn’t help that the only thing being reported are theses stories so we as a public don’t have much of a choice, unless of course you use the Internet to search out and find "real" news. I actually prefer to read SCMP "South China Morning Post" or the London FOX or CNN.

Moving on..........

I went out last night and met the craziest character ....I shall call him "Ponytail Bob". ( no, he doesn’t have a ponytail, he is a prominent business guy here in the valley.....just seemed fitting after the stories he was telling me).


He was a laugh. I was actually just sitting talking to asshole when he came and sat next to me... He seemed to think I was some grrl he had seen the previous Friday, after the initial mistaken identity was resolved we ended up in a rather funny and strange conversation..........I haven’t laughed like that in ages...........needless to say I didn’t give him my #, although I have his.........knowing me I will never call it.........I never do......I just collect #'s......safer that way...

I must be off to buy my membership and so some workout shopping......

Maybe the shopping will be my workout.

I am sure it will be

For my wallet.

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