Saturday, May 14, 2005

O my Goat

Apparently a man had been arrested for crimes against nature/cruelty to animals...I feel and truly believe they need to call it like it is...the man was arrested for Goat RAPE!!!

This man Antonio Coria, 48 has been accused of assaulting a poor 2-month-old goat and according to the farmer(s) he has been assaulting the other goats since last July. The farmer never had any proof that her goats were being molested other than the fact that she had seen a naked male in the middle of the night in her yard. Plus the fact that she had found semen soaked t-shirts he had left at the scene...

Here's the whole disturbing story....Ungoatmanlike Conduct

I really have no thoughts. well I in particular


needs a lil help........

In other news.....

I just watched Cat Woman and holy catshit wasn’t that a neto flick.......I was just amazed at the plot/character development/special effects/acting performances and overall superior film making...

I now know why I waited to see this wonderful film, so I wouldn’t laugh in utter disbelief in the theater. Best to wait and watch it in the privacy of my own home where I can mock it without interruption. It really is the Puurrfect film for those who enjoy cinematic torture.

Moving on.......

My brother took me out to dinner at a place called Roosters. I must admit I wasn’t to keen on eating at a place called Roosters, especially after reading about the GoatMan, but I have to admit that the food (steaks) were exceptionally good....better than good.......excellent. The service was fabulous as well as the atmosphere. It’s a lil place overlooking the river, and the local dock for sailboats and such. So one can sit outside and watch the sunset and have great food with great staff.....I was very impressed.......

Other than that I really didn’t do too much..........stocked up on groceries and tooled around me house for most the day............a nice relaxing afternoon.

I am now set to watch RAY ........I am pretty sure this film will be somewhat better than Halley Cats film.......

One can only hope...

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