Monday, August 08, 2005


Well We all survived Mr.C's 30th Hoorah..............and let me say...personally...I am so happy this only happens ONCE in a lifetime as we did her up good..............Tequila shots for everyone ALL night..........everyone had a great time...I didn’t lose my famous temper, I actually think Mr. C and I became a bit closer (that and he kept tackling me with his over-bearing hugs). The only thing that did happen is Mr.C's gf Angel Grrl WENT OFF on lil Bethy...whom is just a great friend of Mr. C's (he has a TON of women friends...and I mean a TON...if you did get them all together on huge weigh thingy, well then you would see)
anyhoo..........Angel Grrl seen them both huggin after Bethy bought Mr.C a shot for his Big THREE -O...and well she flipped the fuck Out!!!

Bouncer had to intervene, I had to intervene...and pretty much after that they ( Angel and Mr.C) were fighting and well.............she was escorted out and he was unhappy the remainder of the night........this happedned at 1ish I think... so not all was lost.

I had fun...I didn’t however enjoy the after effects ...ummmm...I felt like a BIGGER train hit me and well.........just kept hitting me repeatedly for 12 hours.........

So needless 2 say I am good on the consuming end of mylfe............its ALL good. and Its ALL over!

Moving on.....

Today I must clean me room.... as............well I tend to let it just clutter up with books and water that’s me plan, as well as find my Algebra book to try and remember the x+y/y-x= BS!!

I must give a BIG thank you to Stacey who CRACKS me up whenever I fell like death.... I am o so happy she is back.............but on another sad note Patti Anne is still is dead...I am really worried as she wasn’t doing all that well when we last not coming didn’t help...although she would never admit that...

Well then............I shall end out.........I am now on the 2nd day of no SMOKING...........patch is going on.........and there you go...........

More later

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