Monday, August 22, 2005


Ok so I am paying OFF all of my DEBTS...........I only have credit card left and then I am debt free save for the car payment. I paid for 6 month of car insurance so I am good there as well..........My RIBS which cost me 255$ are now paid off as well...I owe a few bucks to OREFUCKINGON so I am paying those MF's off as well...

Lemme see.........that will leave me Macy's card and ummmmmmm one credit card...

Tis all

I am in the clear...and still have $ to play with...which anyone who knows me knows I wont...

Ok then

I am off to la la land cos lemme tell ya Bloggers, the drama in mylfe has been UNBELIVEABLE...and I am not even gonna go there tonight.

Time for the much needed


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