First of all on days like this, I am o so happy I have this Blog as it truly is my personal ventilation tool...regardless of the fact that total strangers read it, I am happy to have it as today...I am going to use it for all its worth.
So lets begin.........
The last week has been HELL!
Landman- My Landman told me he was needlessly and hopelessly in love with me..........wrote me a letter telling me this...........sent me some weird pics of himself (The family and I have come to the conclusion he is a cross-dresser) so you get the idea. He has RUINED my tiling in my bathroom as he a drunkard that was only over here so he could stare at me...........which lately I haven’t any idea as to why anyone would want to cos I know I have aged 10000 yrs....but that’s a diff story for another anyyywaayyy George Landman finally left for Alaska (hopefully he meets a nice Eskimo and igloos up for eternity) and he is now out of my hair.
Carpet- Carpet is done and looks BEAUTIFUL!!! I am very happy with the results. Mr. C and I busted our asses off yesterday getting this house in order...I mean we basically moved everything out of the house and back in yesterday. Lucy came over at 7AM to help us as Georges daughter was supposed to be here as she and her BF were paid to move all of our things out....I HAD to call the twit to wake her up, and then last night left 2 messages on her Cell telling her it was now time to return to move the stuff back in. She calls me @ 9ish and GOES OFF on me........and ummmm..........well I am not someone to talk to like this.................and I must say I handled it rather well...............but I was extremely busy, so I will admit the next time I run into her.......well she wont like it................
Brother- this whole nonsense and experience with Landman has brought my brother and I closer together than I ever thought possible. He really is very, very, verrrrryyyyyy protective over me................and I couldn’t be more proud to call him my best friend and brother...........
Thank You Clinton
Mother- 7 yrs ago on the 23rd of August I lost my mother. My Rock. I miss her..........terribly..........and since I have been so damn busy with this house and Etc.I didn’t get a chance to pay my respects. I went today, just returned actually, cos to be honest ( this will sound really corny) I missed my I went and CRIED for a long time.................and cleaned her 'spot' and talked to her..............and I felt so much better afterwards......
School- Couldn’t tell ya............Haven’t even opened a fucking book..........aint that great? Although I did read my Algebra book...............everyone keeps telling me I am smart and will be OK.
Uh huh
Work- Don’t know................been off for the last few days.............I work 2night, and have the weekend off.............but to be honest I am looking forward to going to get away from home and my thoughts and feelings.
Stace- What can I say?..........she knows me so well.........and always say's the right things.........wish we could a worked it out..............but I am glad we are friends cos she is the only one who can make me laugh while I am crying.
Lucy- We have been spending allot of time together...........he is going through a horrendous divorce...........and well..........we have become really close friends, here is the infamous BUT........he told me last night
"I woke up today......just happy......." I say " That’s great, cos you need to have good days!" He replies " Ya know why don’t cha?" " Uhhhhhhhhh No" He says " Well I woke up with someone on my mind and it made me so happy"... I say " your boys?" ( He has 3) He says "No......YOU......your smile, I thought about you all day and I was so happy!".....
It takes allot to make me speechless. and I mean allot...........but he did.......cos I did not see this coming AT ALL..............
So now..........I dunno . He is my friend................and I don’t want any more than that from him.
...................The Professor is in the middle of ALOT and so I just did the noble and right thing and said that she needed to focus on that............... and left it.
Trust me I didn’t want to......
It was not easy to be good and wise and all that, but sometimes one must do what one must do.
So there you go.............
I feel .................
That’s the problem
I feel.
Why me?
Ok then..............that’s about all for now
I got me chain back 2day!!!!!!
I am happy bout that, cept it made me think the way it was broken ........I mean I sometimes think like the chain symbolizes a time in mylfe...........that it was broken by another that maybe the breaking of the chain was a sign or something.............
I know
I am crzzyyy
But hell I’m allot of fun.
Just ask Lucy, Stace, Patti, Binks,.......
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