Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Training Day

And the saga continues.....

I go into work today to find out that I am scheduled to leave @ 8PM....Which is a good thing......and then I find out that I am only scheduled to work for 2 days this week..Extremely good thing....as I hate working!!! Well I am then told that I will have 2 trainees..and wouldn't you know it.....they were both guys.....very cute guys..... :) so..... needless to say ..... the work Gods were veddy nice to me today..sending me some nice eye candy in scrubs.......

Ok then...

All was going well......and I was happy as heck as I was getting to leave early and I was just making small talk with the "guys" when I asked one of them what he was doing here and why he wanted to get into nursing and he says "Well, it sure as shit beats killing people" Ummmmmmm WHAT!?
Turns out he was in the Special Forces and has for the past 6 yrs been stationed in Bosnia and Afghanistan......He then proceeded to tell me that the Bosnia situation was/is a lot worse than is being reported in this country and that all in all it sucked shit.......Well I says "I want to thank you for what you did for our country, although I have to admit that I am against the war in Iraq" He replies "So am I....A lot of us guys are".......He then says " That fucking Bush is turning this into another Vietnam as I know of 5000 soldiers that have lost arms, legs, and are generally disabled" I go " WOW.....why don't we hear about this?" He replies " No one wants to interview guys like me....they just want to hear how wonderful things are and that the objective is being met".....I then say......." I would be happy to interview you"......of course he just laughed.......I wasn't laughing.......and deep down neither was he.......after that we made small talk about the price of oil here and he made the remark that gas should be 50 cents a gallon and so on........
I again thanked him for his service and told him how sorry I was for him losing his friends and so forth.......He said "Thank You" in the end I made a good friend and learned a few things........well.......I had a few things reinforced as I have always felt that the war is a farce and that we weren't being told the truth with regards to the casualties and wounded......

I know that not ALL of the soldiers that have served our country feel this way......but I also know that many of them do.......and it doesn't make them any less patriotic and it certainly doesn't make them un-American.......It makes them HUMAN. So I would like to take this time and once again say THANK YOU to all of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces......Thank You for your sacrifices....Thank You- Thank You......and whatever your feelings are in regards to the war or current administration does
not undermine my gratitude to you....at all.......It just makes me respect you more.....

While I'm at it........I would like to again thank my new found friend.....Mr. Soldier.....for having the balls to say what he felt.....Regardless of who was standing in ear shot.....as trust me.....he had a few glares from a few eavesdroppers.....so ..........Thanx!

Ok then......I am off to watch Law And Order........I LOVE that show.......

I shall be back...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like your Blog.......

Its different...

But Kool