Sunday, July 24, 2005


I just had the strangest and COOLEST conversation with my brother...which has just made me love him all the more...........

Now Mr. C tells me EVERYTHING..........and well I felt it time to tell him EVERYTHING.........and so I just did..........and I feel that if I can tell him.... and he doesn’t he said " I love you no matter what you do...or who u do it with"...well I can just tell whomever...........

I was commenting on one of my Gf’s tonight and Mr. C asked me if we were an "item"...and I calmly said..."yea...we were at one time...u do know I'm Bi right?"

He said..."I have always known and I dont care..."

Now how fucking cool is that?

I have always kept my sexuality to it really is no ones Beeswax...

But when my lil bro could care less.........and lemme tell ya folks he was the one person I was always worried about..........I really don’t give a shit what anyone thinks...

So yea

Moving on...

I am definitely going to Portland on the 12th or so for a few days............I am now 60% of the way done with school and will finish up by that leaves everything open for me trip............

I also finally ended or...........well...gave up on the relationship with 22...........

If you can call it a relationship........more of a clusterfuck of emotions.....

I will never make the mistake of dating anyone that young again..........

I will say I have no hard feelings and wish nothing but the best for Miss M.

I must end this...

Time to watch Million Dollar Baby

Bring it on!

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