Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well I am just psyched about the new carpet I am getting next week. George (landlord) stopped by today to tell me he wants the entire house re-done ( bedrooms included) as well as new linoleum in me bathroom.( I know this might sound like the current carpet and linoleum is trashed, but it really isnt, I just simply asked George for something new..and well.........'volia!! I told ya..........I always get what I want!) he even offered to pay to have our furniture moved out so we really dont need to do anyting but vacate while the carpet guys/gals do the lying of the new rug......he also fixed the automatic sprinkler system so my yard will look fabulous once again...........its so nice to have a landlord who actually gives a rats ass about his tenants and makes sure to keep me/US happy............I think it might be cos I actually take care of the place and the yard...I have always enjoyed nice things and a nice home...and having a place that is getting renovated is a great feeling .........PLUS I get to re-decorate.

Moving on...

I am going back to Portland In August to see Stace and Patti Anne...........I know...I know..........I said I would never go back to Portland after the last trip, BUT I WILL NOT be seeing the freaks that I was seeing in my past travels (Binks excluded of course) so this time it should be all gravy.

School is trudging along..........I have a few assignments in each course and I am finished, then its time to do my Writing Portfolio and I am ready for fall classes...........

I really have nothing else to report..........I need to call fairy grrl in New York here soon as she has called me several times and I have yet to call her I am doing that tomorrow...........I feel bad for not keeping in better touch with her, but life has a way of getting in the way of well...LIFE

I best end this.........I have laundry to fold and I wanna finish Hostage far it’s been pretty good.

OH and one more thing

I sure love me Aunt Glo..........I do

She is the best Aunt a grrl could ask for.


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