Sunday, January 16, 2005

Ever wonder?

Ever wonder how some people can be so stupid and others can be so smart? I was thinking that today when I posted a question on the Politcal forum site I am a member of......I basically asked what everyone thought of the Bill that is being passed in Virginia regarding the miscarriage deal I blogged about here last night.....and basically everyone took it completely out of context and turned it into a debate about abortion and abandonment.......which in turn resulted in my lil question being posted in the Abortion part of the needless to say I never did get the results I wanted on my Poll.....well.....a few people did reply in the manner I was seeking........anywayz........just made me wonder how and why certain people cant just answer a simple question without turning it into something it isn't.......I mean really........I have that problem with Shocker all the time.......ask a question or say something and it turns into something else.......... regrdless......I was hoping to have a fair and honest debate regarding the privacy/rights isuues of women when it comes to Bills such as these......but in the end all I got was how horrible abortion/abandonment is......not very nice topics to use as a distraction(s) in order to NOT answer a think?

Moving on......

Today was a good day..(notice I saved that lil "good day" remark for the end of the damn day?).....I received my new leather jacket...I am very happy with it....tis a very classy and tasteful coat........lets see......bought 2 new pairs of sneakers......Nike and Reebok.....for work and just for working out........let me see........did the laundry and cleaned the pad......I am now just surfing and reading about current events while I wind down......Tomorrow I need to read a few chapters in my text books and get some homework the NFL playoffs......which I did today as well......I was rooting for the Jets, but the Steelers won in tomorrow I am rooting for .....well not 2 sure....I usually root for the my team didn't even come close to the playoffs......the 49ers......I love em......although they suck ass these days...... I do know I will be rooting against the Patriots....I am sick to death of the Patriots.....blah

Well I am gonna call it a night......its a short/boring blog tonight...I know.....but better than nothin

ciao 4 now

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