Thursday, January 20, 2005

Pain in the butt!

That's right......she is a pain in the butt!!! Domino kitty.....well my brothers kitty.... she really isn't his kitty anymore as she follows me everywhere and insists on sleeping with me now.......but tonight.....gosh.......she is REALLY a pain in da butt. She wont STOP bugging me.....has to sit on my lap.....and I am trying to type a you think she cares.......hell No! I have tried petting her....putting her in Mr. C's room....feeding her.......nuthin works.....she has to be where I am....for the most part..... and tonightis no exception....its just now she has to be ON me.......lil shit.....but I have to admit I love her so my pussy....pussy cat...she is my babyz..
Ok.....moving on.....
Today was an uneventful day....Finished my assignment........made tacos.......ummmmmm......thats about it.......fucking cat........she is sleepin on my hand so I have one hand to type!
Well...tommorrow Bush will be inaugurated for another fabulous 4 yrs......I am so thrilled I could just spit......
Well I best go....I am very uncomfy @ the moment.....
catch ya on the scanner!!!

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