Thursday, January 06, 2005

Take bad with the good or is it...??

Well Today had its major highlights and a few downers as well.

1. My brother received some certain paperwork today that will ensure him tb financially OK for....well forever I think.

2. My advisor released me to register for Spring semester @ WSU....which was I did just that......I am taking some type of a Biology class, a Political Science course...which shall be awesome as I love politics and law, lets see....a class designed to enhance ones ability to communicate better via the Internet.....? Ummmmmm ok, but its a required class so I am taking it......and finally a Psychology class that focuses on human you go...just now ordered me books so I am now all set to begin my next set of courses on Monday....I shall spend this weekend finishing up my History course from last semester....and I have a few assignments from my B.Law class as be honest... I am actually getting rather phsyched up about school again......I really am.

3. I have strep throat.....


I woke up this mornin to go with Mr. C to his appointment and I KNEW I had it.......looked at me poor lil throat and sure as was fire engine red and PISSED off!!! Strep has a taste too.....if you have ever had it.....then you know what I mean.......I had it really bad a few years ago.. and I will never forget that taste nor the razor blade feel you get when you swallow.....needless to say I went to the minor care place at the ER....where....beleive it or not.... they were really sweet to me.....cos to tell you true...I wanted to leave as they had me sit in an actuall ER room with all the ER gadgets......while I was sitting there I was thinking "I shouldn't be sitting in here taking up this space, someone else is more likely worse off than me and perhaps ...needs to be back here". So I went to tell the lady that......" know I am ok......I don't wanna bother anyone"......she just smiled and laughed and told me to have a seat and the DR would be right in.....and sure enough he was.....nice DR too.....talked to me, not at me......looked @ me throat, confirmed my initial diagnosis......with his own....and sent me on me way with a script for some magic pills and a note 4 work....


So there you have it......a few good things..and one not so good thing....... more thing that isn't so great.....Kuntjoy.....tis a family member....well he needs to stop being such a bitch and grow some balls and be a man...........this whole mess with my brother and Miss Jack is getting old. How many times can one person apologize to another b4 all is forgiven? Obviously that would be ......NEVER....

ok then....

I am gonna lie down...have a painkiller :)

and watch a lil DVD.


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