Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Rice fever

So I am reading the CNN news today and I see that Rice is a lil pissy.....she looks like she wants to kill California Sen. Barbara Boxer to whom she was answering questions during Rice's confirmation hearings this week.She is being confirmed into the Secretary of State position....replacing Colin Powell. They had a pretty heated exchange ......Here's a sample of the lil conversation.
This is a pattern here of what I see from you," Boxer said. "It's very troubling. ... It's hard for me to let go of this war because people are still dying." She said Rice has not acknowledged those deaths, has not laid out an exit strategy for Iraq and has been unwilling to admit mistakes -- including going to war over weapons of mass destruction found later not to exist.
Rice insisted the war in Iraq was not launched solely over WMD. Saddam Hussein, she said, welcomed terrorists, attacked his own neighbors and paid suicide bombers in the conflict between Israel and Palestinians.
I have to agree with Boxer on this one......Rice seesm so cold and without emotion when it comes to Iraq and her support of Bush's war policy. When Boxer attached her on these points ... Rice went on to say.... "I have to say that I have never, ever, lost respect for the truth in the service of anything," She later told Boxer, "I really hope that you will refrain from impugning my integrity."
moving on......
I had me eyes examined and got me new eye enhancers and picked out some new frames for my spectacles.....very nice.....Guess what kind they are.......I bet you cant GUESS........
anyway......I can see clearly now the blur is gone......also while I was out yesterday I bought a membership to Costco......and proceeded to spend entirely to much $$....but we now have enough laundry soap and fabric softener to last until the New Year.....which is always good.....
I am off to work now
You kids play nice now........ya hear!

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