Monday, January 31, 2005

End of an era.....

Ok so I just finished watching the final episode of Sex and The ended exactly how I wanted it too.......I am just unhappy that its it is my fave is fabulous....anyway I had a few laughs and that was nice as I haven't been laughing all that much as of late.....

Things are still turbulent with Mr. C and I don't know if they will ever be the same....such is life..

I am right now making Spaghetti....and reading my P.S Textbook.......I do love politics.......I should have went to law school...its what my mother wanted me 2 do..........but......oh no I had to go into a field that is now pretty much new degree should pay off in the end or I will have to be a bit pissy.....

Well then I shall call it a blog and check out


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