Ok......Here we go.........
Today started out like something like this......
I was asleep....well in the process of waking up....and in walks my Aunt ..she was a shakin and crying...seems Miss Jack had called and upset her by saying she was coming over (to my house) to see my brother whether anyone liked it or not.....well Glo (Aunt) was Not a Happy Auntie...as Miss Jack is part of the reason for the madness @ X-mas and all the drama thereafter w/my bro and Kuntjoy......so I crawled out of bed and told her I would handle it......which I did. Called Miss Jack and told her to back off and chill out and leave my bro alone along with my family.......and she complied.....she is a smart lady.........
I then went to work.....where I had an excellent time with Mamma B and Fairy Grrl...or should I say Shroom Grrl now? heheh...anywayz........work went really well.....had alot of laughs.......and then when it was time 2 get off.....I was waiting for Mr. C to pick me up and after waiting about 2 minutes he comes a cruisen up with Mr.Porcelain.....(I will tell you why I call him that here in a few).....anyway they come driving up and I KNOW Mr. C is snockered......as well as Mr. P...I then proceed to tell my brother to let me drive and he of course says FUCK NO! I am nthot drunkth! Uh Huh I say........and proceed to start walking home......of course he comes to his senses and lets me drive us all home.........seems him and Mr. P spent the prior 4 hrs having a few woo hoo's @ the corner Pub....due to all the drama that has been goin with Miss Jack and Kuntjoy ( I cannot divulge what the said "drama" is at the present time....or any other time, just know its not "good" drama)......well ..now where was I? Oh yes......well.....we come home and I proceed to feed Mr. C so he will sober up.... Meanwhile... Mr. P kindly asks to use our bathroom...."Sure" I say..."of course".....well that was 3hrs ago.........seems he liked it so much he decided to camp out there for the night.....yea........okkkkk..soooo.....I have a very cute....very nice.. extremely drunk...guy..... passed out in front of my la'toilet......Mr. C and I have tried numerous times to get him 2 move to a more reasonable sleeping place to no avail......so there he lies...Mr.Porcelain.....lying face down on my bathroom floor hugging the cold white porcelain crapper.........
..............................ohhhhhhhh my my my......I am so glad I am sober....as...well I Want to remember this.......I do.. I do.....
hee hee
Moving on......
Suzilla called me tonight and we had a lot of laughs........I sure miss her.......and after ALOT of coaxing she has talked me into going back to Portland @ the end of Jan. for a weekend getaway........so I am looking forward to that.......I will be flying in......so it should be pretty gravy.
good times.
My throat feels mucho better today.....magic pills sure do help.....I am not sure what magic pills I am speaking of....the anti-biotic or the codeine......Either- Or.......tis all good....
I am going shopping in the AM........Mr. C handed me....well...... a C note......(kinda poetic aint it?) for me B-day and I am gonna hit the mall!..........
coo ;)
Well I shall end this........I actually have something else......something a bit more on the whiney side to blog about....but I am in a good mood and would prefer to leave the whine in the bottle tonight.......in all aspects...
so.....there you go.......
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