Monday, March 28, 2005


Mr.C has made it up to Spookaloo......his surgery is in the AM.....he absolutely refused to let me go with I will be there Wed......he likes to handle things on his own......and this time I let him......Usually I tell him I am going with him whether he likes it or not.....but this time I let him have his way..perhaps another reason might be that I really wasn't up to the drive and watching him get poked and prodded again.........nope.......cant say that I am up 4 that.......but......if he needs me I will be up there in a NY doubt.

Moving on........
I am so tried you have no idea.........Exhausted.......and all I wanna do is eat ice cream and watch the tube.......which I think I will do........

I found out something today........I was somewhat disappointed, but I am grateful I found out......put things back into perspective for more 'wondering' more......thankfully..cos lemme tell you not knowing something sometimes takes up to much damn energy............

I am off........

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