Saturday, March 26, 2005

Sad Man

Things have a way of going from bad to worse sometimes.......

My brother suffers from renal failure and must dialysis 3x weekly ...... This is accomplished by, having large volume of blood being removed from the body, then run through the dialysis machine, and returned to the body.This is best accomplished by using a surgically created fistula or shunt between the arteries and veins, which results in a high rate of flow through the shunt, as is needed for dialysis. While these shunts are vital for successful dialysis, they are often difficult to keep open and this leads me to the problem at hand. He must go up to Spokane in order to have the Surgery that will be needed to successfully remove the clot from the graft.......

He has had to do this several times in the past......and it is a painful and strenuous procedure as they must keep him in the hospital to test the graft by dialyzing him to make sure the surgery was successful.........and this is......... for Mr. C...... the worst part of the whole ordeal.......the hospitalization......He has been in and out of hospitals his entire spending even one day in the hospital....for utter hell.........

The biggest problem this has brought forward is the fact that his Concert is this coming Wednesday.........Motley Crue........his all-time fave band......and from the looks of things he will miss will I........... as I wont go without him........... I wouldnt even consider it.

Another problem this is presenting is my trip to Portland may have to be postponed........but we shall I wont leave him in the hospital and my Aunt is leaving for Alaska there wont be any family here if something does go wrong........

So in a nutshell........

Mr.C is extremely depressed ......Hospitalization and missing his band.......makes for a sad day......and a very sad ....sad man.

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