Sunday, March 20, 2005

Just a Post..

Here I am again ...sitting at my PC.....trying to think up something amusing to write about..... something entertaining or objective or informative.....and well I have ....NOTHING....


I am at the moment in the process of cleaning out my closets.....putting the winter wardrobe in the back...bringing out the summer/Spring much fun.....I jut had to share it with the blogger world.......

I also need to finish up the goddamn assignment for my 355 class......I received a not so nice email from my instructor asking me where the hell last weeks assignment was....and well.....I don't have the balls to tell her I haven't had the ambition nor the slightest interest in writing about more multi media BS.............but I best get me ass in gear if I am to pass the class......

Moving on.......

I talked with Patti Anne for quite awhile last night.....seems her son has gotten himself into a pretty big spot.......she needed an ear.....which I was very happy to give her.......That's what friends are for......anywayz.....I told her that the situation would work itself out as most things she shouldn't fret none.......she agreed ......

I finally found the applicator for my nicotrol I am sucking on it now....trying to kick the 'habit'....the only problem is I don't know if I will all honesty....... B able 2 use this thingy in it looks like a tiny tampon and I really don't want to have people giving me the double take......"did you see that girl........she is suckin on tampon.....EWWWWWWWWWW!!''

no I would rather like to avoid that ..... if at all possible.....

Well then.....I best check out and get this flippin assignment done b4 9PM.....


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