Monday, December 06, 2004

All I need to know about some broken road

so I am in a mood today....and whatever mood I am in can be defined by the music I am listening its Cuntry. :) ... ...."left me in the rain for my brothers sisters cousins uncle and on the way out the door took my 'ol dog blue...ohhhhh boo hoo.." yea...ok then.....

NO Really.....

In all seriousness I am listening to rascall flats and Kenny Kenny...mmm yea...and RF have a really really nice song I was introduced to....about a broken road...sounds a bit odd..but its a nice I say thank you to a certain someone for leading me to this song...

SO .....I must shower and hit the 'ol fake -n-bake today...fading fast here...not a good thing...and its the only source of some kind of sunlight @ the moment...I think that may be one of the factors ...lack of sun...for my insomnia... I have been told its called seasonal disorder or some such shit....

Have you ever noticed that there is always some diagnosis for whatever it is that may be ailing you? Whether it be headache's or a swollen finger or bad breath.....always some big medical terminology to describe and define your current condition....cant be that perhaps you have bad breath..slammed your finger in the drawer and drank entirely to much Vodka the night before?....
I mean seriously...when you watch those commercials about headaches and if you are having recurring ones then take "this" and all will be cured...I don't think so...if I was having recurring headaches for any length of time I do believe I would be finding out why....and stop trying to mask the symptoms....truly....

Ok I am done with today's rants....although I could return with some other rhetoric that I find amusing and worth spewing out....

Ciao babes

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