Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Too Fast For Me

Today has been rather eventful to say the least...woke up and had me coffee....My brother went in to do the Big "D" and asked me to let him sleep until @ least 2ish that gave me time to run some errands b4 he had to jet on up to Spookaloo for his big appointment tomorrow. I used the time to go 2 Albertson’s and get Domino her treats.. as she has been jonsen in a big way for her feast of fancy....I grabbed some C's ...vitamins that is....and other necessities and while exiting I hit that wonderful Starbucks joint for a cuppa-heaven and headed off to the "J" for the Flu shot....which I just love! Getting a big 'ol needle slammed into my arm is always a joyous occasion......and the throb that settles into my arm for the remainder of the day is just an extra bonus....fabulous feeling I must I returned back home to do some cleaning and packed my baby bro up for his trip....... I am just now sitting & relaxing with a nice cold Sammy Adams..mhmmmmmmm

after a bit I am gonna finish some papers for My History class and maybe throw in a DVD a bit later and call it a day.....


Its been busy… busy…….. but I love days like these.. days when I get so busy I can forget about what I am usually trying to forget about.......


Moving on....

I received a package from my Patti Anne today.....much thanx to her... she also enclosed some photos of herself and the kids....which made me of those warm and fuzzy happy smiles only your best buds can give ya.....I must say she is looking ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!......she really is....see Patti Anne had a gastric bypass surgery this past June and has already lost about 120lbs.....I am so proud of her and I am so flippin happy for her!...she looks great. great!...and I am not exaggerating.....she looks so fucking happy really cant express it either....I mean her smile in her pics..I don’t think I have ever seen her smile so BIG... so I send all me love to always....and a BIG thanks to her for my goodies...

Anyway ..........I have a cute story...,which coincides with today’s title....

So Lets begin.....

My brother gives me a ride to work just about he can have the car as I work swing shift... I have always let it be known that his driving scares the HELL out of me.....he is one of those drivers that is always doing a trillion things @ once....talking on his Cell....smoking a fag....diddling with the stereo....Etc. Well I have been in a few car accidents in my time so I am a bit gun shy when I am the passenger...Jumpy would be an understatement if one were to describe there you go


Mr.C is always gunning the car right before we hit a stop sign or an intersection....and of course I am about to jump out of the fucking seat and onto the roof of the car like some crazy tormented cat....well yesterday was no exception as he did what he always does and I reacted in my normal over-reacting he just looks at me with his shit-eating grin and goes “What’s the prob? Why do you always do that?" .....I just go ...." make me nervous" he proceeds to pat my leg and go "Its ok lil girl......I wont hurt you.....I will try not to scare you"....he then moves his seat clear up to the steering wheel and proceeds to drive at exactly 10 MPH. ...The whole time he is just staring right ahead … looking back and forth and occasionally looking at me and saying "I don’t wanna scare you hun....U just let me know if I am going to fast....." All the while patting me on the shoulder really soft and gentle...


I mean he looked like some geriatric driver.... just zoned out on paranoia.....

Needless to say I was laughing so hard I couldnt’t breathe much less care about his driving...or being maimed for life.( which... if the truth be told.... is what is usually running through my mind during our daily commute)

anywayz......he Finally got me to work....only a measly 10 minutes late.....little shit........

He is soooooooo laughs at times.

Ok then.... I must finish these assignments and returns some emails........

Shocker is in dire need of a lil attention from me today.......its all good.

Ciao 4 Now

Its been entirely to long since I have put my U.S causality report up here....

I have to admit that when I looked at the numbers.....the difference between the last time I did an actual update ...roughly 4 weeks ago and now.....well the numbers are rather significant...

My heart and compassion goes out to ALL of the families who have suffered losses due to this war...on both sides..... I can only imagine that at this time of is especially difficult.

God's speed to the soldiers and civilians ........


American Deaths:

Since war began (3/19/03):
In Combat-1023

American Wounded
Official -9844
Estimated -15000-20000

The wounded numbers above reflect the official count as released by the U.S. military. However, there are other estimates that 12,000 soldiers have been treated for illness, non-combat injury and combat injury since March of 2002.

War may have killed 10,000 civilians, researchers say

Latest Fatality December 15th, 2004

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