Thursday, December 09, 2004

Kiss My Invisible Ass.....and like it!

And here we go with the ongoing saga I like to call my life...

So I am @ work tonight and all is going well....I am working with Mamma B, N2, and who I used to call Puppy Girl but shall now forever call Fairy Girl....for reasons I shall share at a later time. So as I was saying....all was going well ....typical I work with all WOMEN... the drama can become quite intense and ridiculous, but its usually tolerable. Well I was standing in a room with Mamma B and we were discussing a work out routine that she and I will start when we hit the gym together in January......I was saying I would really like to work on my Abs and that's when Miss. Secretary walked in and says "You don't even have an ass! What are you talking about!?".. Mamma B gave me that look like "oh. Shit!' As I turned around and went "WHAT!"?

Ummmmm firstly I wasn't even talking about my ass. (MY ABS)....but since your rude ass brought it we go.

Now mind you I am not Jenifer Lopez......I am a 5'11, Blue Eyed, Long legged Blonde, All-American female.....and yes I may not be fucking Pamela Anderson but I am Not a piece of fucking cardboard....and better yet.....I would prefer it if only my long -time friends would point out my obviously rather flawed

ok then....... back to to the tale at hand......

So she continues to go on about how I don't not have an ass and etc and then Proceeds to turn around and ask this MAN "don't you think she has no ass?" Well....the man says" I think she has a great ass...although she is in scrubs...I really like it".

Thank You Mr. MAN!

I don't know why that got to me......but it did....I mean really..... how would someone like it if was to act in that same manner.....? Rather un-nice.... if I must it would be like if I walked up to someone and went....."You have really bad hair, a saggy you need to get your sorry ass on out a here!"....well....tis not something I would it is RUDE!!.....

so there you go....

The story does have a happy ending......I woke up this AM and Miss Secretary had written me an email apologizing for the rude comment and I accepted saying.."yes, it was rather petty".

but....... it was still juicy enough to blog about here.

Moving on......

I must go to work tonight......but its all good ......I have this song in my head about know the one from.... Carlos Santana......"Why don't you and I get together" I do believe this song is a fitting description about my state of mind and heart today.....


Hope you all have a bitchin fabulous day!!

Catch Y'all lata!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"kisses your invisable cute ass"

Heya Coley... just stay You :-).. Laters