Sunday, December 05, 2004

Oh My God.....

Tis the name of a song I am listening to @ the moment....By Pink her...and this song is well ...HOT!!

Ok lets begin....

in the last hour I have talked to 2 of me bestest friends...Patti Anne and Binks...we had some laughs. Seems that Binks and I are in a similar situation...both kind of gotten ourselves involved with people we shall call mysterious.....and sometimes mysterious is to much of a mystery and that is scary/cool/hot/weird/and on and on.... but the advice we decided upon was that I need to bite the bullet and do as Patti says "FUCK IT " dive in and if its worth it.. its worth it..if not... its not my so love my friends and I am so glad to have them I shall heed to the advice of my pals and see what's what...and solve my Shocking mystery. As Patti said ......I will live regardless....and always have my friends to stand by me...

Moving On....

I finally SLEPT!!! WOW!!....great to catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzzz's finally...although my brother's friends woke me up....seems one of his pals was a bit perturbed to find out that Berry so and so for some baseball team is on steroids and he wont watch Baseball anymore.....I know all of this cos he was YELLING it in the hallway outside of my room! nice. I am sorry to hear he is so disillusioned with this player guy...but can we not scream it outside of my bedroom door?

Thank you very little...

So X-mas is coming and I am not really in the holiday spirit...for some reason I don't know why....just seems so comercialized to me $$$$..yea....although I must admit seeing my gifts being opened by my family does make me smile in the nicest way...tis the best part.

Ok then... I have a feeling I will be sharing more on this public diary later on this evening...

Catch ya on the flip side...


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