Saturday, December 18, 2004


I just now rolled out of bed…I was up until around 4:30Am last night…had myself a small dose of that serious talk…I usually am not one to partake in the “serious talk” but I have to admit it went rather well……….came to the conclusion that I am capable of being committed but…………I need to take things SLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY…

So yea…I am glad to know that a certain individual will be ok with that…….. I would also like to wish Shocker a very Happy Birthday today…don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…..and if you do......just don’t get caught.

Today is the day of the Tree…I have to go out and dig the bugger out of the storage shed…. I would have preferred to have gotten a real tree but ………..seeing how I am getting to it so late and all…….might as well use the artificial tree…plus I have a habit of picking out the lone “Charlie Brown Tree”…..and then of course my family gets all nuts (or is that peanuts?) on me and makes fun of my lil Charlie tree… better to use my moms ol’ fake tree then submit some poor innocent lil tree to the glares and mocks of my scroogy fandamily.

Moving on….

I really have nothing to report …I haven’t been watching the news at all…I am completely oblivious to what is going on in the world…which I guess……. in some aspects... is a good thing…keeps me from shouting @ the TV and throwing the paper in the trash …..or perhaps I just have an anger management problem? Better take something for that…..speaking of….. Taking that “magic pill” for everything …I DID notice on the news An independent research team found that the Pfizer drug Celebrex ….more than tripled the risk of heart attacks and strokes in some regular users..... this is what I overheard on some news broadcast last night while I was working….this is .......I think the 3rd or 4th drug that has been found to have serious side affects. Is it not?
Why is it that these complications weren’t found prior to the drugs release? I have heard that the FDA keeps drugs in clinical trials and research labs for up to 10 years? Wouldn’t one think that in that time the scientists could have established that these medications were indeed unsafe or perhaps could have offered the information to the patients so that they could have made a better well informed decision regarding the drugs they are taking?


Could it be that the pharmaceutical companies are Greedy,Power- mad, evil motherfuckers who could care less about the American people and their health? So they forgo any and all safety measures to reach their goal of that all mighty Dollar?

I think I will go with the latter

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode….

Ciao 4 now

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